The Dimplex EverDri20EL Dehumidifier tackles damp within the home. Its easy-to-use push button control panel incorporates a humidistat and timer. The electronic humidistat enables you to easily set the desired level of humidity. An LED display clearly shows you the humidity level and room temperature. It has a separate laundry mode and a continuous drain setting to aid the clothes drying process or for extreme humidity conditions; it will continue to run until the water tank fills, it will switch off automatically when it reaches the fill level. The EverDri20EL also features a comfort humidity light on its front panel. When the light turns green, the humidity comfort is just right. A red glow means it is too dry and if maintained, a dry atmosphere will prevail. When it turns blue, the atmosphere is too moist and therefore, could lead to a build-up of mould, mildew and damp. Its 3 litre water tank has an antibacterial agent added. The tank is transparent so you can see how much water is collected at a glance. Alternatively, an 11mm internal diameter hose can be connected when set on continuous mode. A washable pre-filter captures large dust particles and the active carbon filter helps to reduce odours. The 24 hour run back timer is a very useful function that will switch the product off automatically at the end of the time period. It also incorporates a 24 hour delayed start feature, so you can programme the product to come on in hourly increments up to 24 hours. With a choice of fan speeds, you can select a quieter, more discreet level of operation. It has integrated carry handles and easy glide castors to aid positioning around the home. 3-year guarantee, registration required. Specification: Extraction Capacity (litres): @10°C/59% RH: 2.8L, @21°C/59% RH: 8L, @30°C/80% RH: 20L Water Tank Size: 3L Optimum Room Size: 47m² Dimensions (Height x Depth x Width): 553 x 236 x 310mm Cable Length: 1.8m Weight: 13.5kg