The LENOX- General-Purpose Reciprocating Saw Blade Kit, contains a selection of blades that cover a wide range of applications. Each blade uses POWER BLAST TECHNOLOGY (TM) to increase blade life. High-speed blasting along the cutting edge strengthens the blade to reduce breaks and increase durability. Patented T2 (TM) Technology reduces cutting forces on each tooth and optimises chip removal to allow efficient cutting in the widest range of materials. Supplied with a handy blade carry case and the following blades: 2 x 656R Nail Embedded Wood Cutting Reciprocating Saw Blades 150mm 6 TPI 2 x 624R Metal Cutting Reciprocating Saw Blades 150mm 24 TPI 2 x 818R Metal Cutting Reciprocating Saw Blades 200mm 18 TPI 2 x 810R General-Purpose Reciprocating Saw Blades 200mm 10 TPI 1 x 960R Demolition Reciprocating Saw Blade 225mm 10 TPI